
Chawapich Wydhayagarn

Research Student (MSc)

Chawapich completed his MSc at Biology Department, Faculty of Science, CMU in 2007. For his thesis, he studied the effects of planted trees on bird communities and natural establishment of tree seedlings  in FORRU-CMU's trial field plot system in the upper Mae Sa valley, funded by the Biodiversity Research and Training Program. Since graduating, he has worked on various projects related to natural resources management, including the Upland Program's "Research for Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountainous Regions of Southeast Asia" (Research Assistant, 2010-2012) and USAID's "Lowering Emission in Asia’s Forest-Thailand Program" (Field Co-ordinator, 2012-2016). Recently, he has worked as a climate change consult at EarthRights International, based in Chiang Mai.

Key Publication 

  1. Wydhayagarn, C., S. Elliott & P. Wangpakapattanawong, 2009. Bird communities and seedling recruitment in restoring seasonally dry forest using the framework species method in Northern Thailand. New Forests, 38:81-97