
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Steve Elliott

Steve 150821
Co-Founder & Research Director

Steve joined CMU Biology Department as a lecturer in tropical plant ecology and wildlife conservation in 1986. He co-founded FORRU-CMU with Dr. Vilaiwan Anusarnsunthorn in 1994 and continues to co-ordinate the unit's research program and supervise research students. He is also responsible for the unit's research direction, administration, fund-raising, reporting to donors and English publications. His current main research interest is automated forest restoration. He led CMU's participation in the FRAME project—developing curricula on forest restoration for Thai students and establishing a FORRU for Lao PDR. He also worked with Karen communities in eastern Myanmar to develop diploma courses on forest restoration for students there and is overseeing FORRU-CMU's contribution to the Global Tree Seed Bank Program.

Key Publications:-

  1. Elliott, S., D. Blakesley and K. Hardwick, 2013. Restoring Tropical Forests: a Practical Guide. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; 344 pp.
  2. Elliott, S. D., 2016. The potential for automating assisted natural regeneration of tropical forest ecosystems. Biotropica 48(2):825-833.
  3. Elliott, S., 2019. The science and sociology of restoring Asia’s tropical forest ecosystems. Env. Asia Special Issue 12:1-9. DOI 10.14456/ea.2019.
  4. Elliott, S., N.I.J. Tucker, D. Shannon & P. Tiansawat, 2022. The framework species method—harnessing natural regeneration to restore tropical forest ecosystems. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B37820210073  https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2021.0073

Email: stephen_elliott1@yahoo.com