Tentang Kami

Khuanphirom Naruangsri (Aom)

Field Research Officer (Part Time) & Research Student

Aom started working with FORRU-CMU as a volunteer, whilst studying for her MSc on direct seeding and formally joined the FORRU-CMU team in January 2017, as a part-time field officer, helping with monitoring of field experiments, analyzing data, and reporting to donors. She is also an occasional teacher for school events and organizes volunteer events

For her PhD, she is extending her research on direct seeding, investigating the usefulness of seed-coating materials and species effects – preparing the way for aerial seeding by drone, partially support by a FORRU-CMU student-support grantShe graduated with a degree in Biology from Chiang Mai University in 2023 and has since continued her work with FORRU.

Key Publications:-

  1. Naruangsri, K, W. Pathom-aree, S. Elliott & P. Tiansawat. 2024. Selecting suitable tree species for direct seeding to restore forest ecosystems in northern Thailand. Forests, 15(4), 674. https://doi.org/10.3390/f15040674.  
  2. Naruangsri, K., 2023. Developing Techniques for Direct-seeding for Forest Restoration in Northern Thailand. PhD thesis, Graduate School, Chiangmai University.
  3. Naruangsri, K., P. Tiansawat & S. Elliott. 2023. Differential seed removal, germination and seedling growth as determinants of species suitability for forest restoration by direct seeding – A case study from northern Thailand. Forest Ecosystems, 10, 100133. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fecs.2023.100133
  4. Naruangsri, N, 2017. Seed and Seedling Predation of Five Framework Tree Species in a Degraded Forest Area of Ban Nong Hoi, Mae Rim District, Chiang Mai Province. Msc thesis, Graduate School, Chiangmai University    
  5. Naruangsri, K. & P. Tiansawat. Potential seed predators in an abandoned agricultural area in northern Thailand. Proceedings of the 3rd National Meeting on Biodiversity Management in Thailand, 2016, 124–133.

Email: aom.khuan@gmail.com