
Dr David Blakesley

Dr David Blakesley
Co-Founder & Research Advisor

David co-founded FORRU-CMU in 1994 (along with Dr. Stephen Elliott and Dr. Vilaiwan Anusarnsunthorn). He was instrumental in establishing the unit's first tree nursery, developing  propagation protocols, training staff and securing grants from UK sources. He led several projects, funded by the UK's Darwin, to establish the unit's education and international outreach programs. His research focussed on framework tree species selection, planting stock production and supervising studies on restoration genetics . Currently, he works with Autism and Nature, a non-profit organization, which he co-founded in 2012, to enrich the lives of people with autism and other disabilities, especially children, through experiences of the countryside and nature.

Key Publications:

  1. Di Sacco , A., Hardwick, K.A., Blakesley, D., Brancalion, P.H. S., Breman, E., Cecilio Rebola, L. Chomba, S., Dixon, K., Elliott, S., Ruyonga, G., Shaw, K., Smith, P., Smith, R.J. & Antonelli, A., 2021. Ten golden rules for reforestation to optimize carbon sequestration, biodiversity recovery and livelihood benefits. Global Change Biology. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15498. OPEN ACCESS
  2. Elliott, S.D., D. Blakesley & K. Hardwick, 2013. Restoring Tropical Forests: a Practical Guide. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; 344 pp.
  3. The Forest Restoration Research Unit, 2008. Research for Restoring Tropical Forest Ecosystems: A Practical Guide. Chiang Mai University, Forest Restoration Research Unit, Thailand. 144 pp.

Email: david.blakesley@autismandnature.org.uk