Giới thiệu

Dr. Watit Khokthong

Acharn Watit
Research Advisor

Dr. Watit is a lecturer in CMU's Biology Department. He completed his MSc with FORRU-CMU investigating the use of hydrogel to establish fig trees for mine rehabilitation.  His main field of interest is forest ecology and his research concentrates on integrating remote sensing with environmental science, particularly by using, drones equipped with various visual sensors. He is developing various techniques to analyze 3D forest models for canopy structure, as it relates to explaining ecosystem functioning. He supervises students working on automated forest restoration for their thesis projects.

Key Publications

  1. Khokthong, W., D. C. Zemp, B. Irawan, L. Sundawati, H. Kreft & D. Hölscher, 2019. Drone-based assessment of canopy cover for analyzing tree mortality in an oil palm agroforest. Front. For. Glob. Change 2:12. doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2019.00012
  2. Ahongshangbam, J., W. Khokthong, F. Ellsäßer, H. Hendrayanto, D. Hölscher & A. Rö, 2019. Drone‐based photogrammetry‐derived crown metrics for predicting tree and oil palm water use. Ecohydrology. DOI: 10.1002/eco.2115
  3. Lee, K., Wangpakapattanawong, P., and Khokthong, W. 2022. Evaluating Forest Cover Changes in Protected Areas Using Geospatial Analysis in Chiang Mai, Thailand. CMU J. Nat. Sci. 21(2): e2022030.
  4. Arunsurat, R., Wangpakapattanawong, P., Sharp, A., & Khokthong, W. Multi-Scenario Simulations of Future Forest Cover Changes Influenced by Socio-Economic Development: A Case Study in the Chiang Mai-Lamphun Basin.EnvironmentAsia. 16(1),1-15.DOI: 10.14456/ea.2023.1


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