

Showing publications 1 to 2 out of 2 found.

1: Tree islands enhance biodiversity and functioning in oil palm landscapes

Publication date24 May 2023
Author(s)Zemp, D.C., N. Guerrero-Ramirez, F. Brambach, K. Darras, I. Grass, A. Potapov, A. Röll, I. Arimond, J. Ballauff, H. Behling, D. Berkelmann, S. Biagioni, D. Buchori, D. Craven, R. Daniel, O. Gailing, F. Ellsäßer, R. Fardiansah, N. Hennings et al.

ABSTRACT: In the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, large knowledge gaps persist on how to increase biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in cash crop-dominated tropical landscapes....

2: Drone‐based photogrammetry‐derived crown metrics for predicting tree and oil palm water use

Publication date2019
Author(s)Ahongshangbam, J., W. Khokthong, F. Ellsäßer, H. Hendrayanto, D. Hölscher & A. Rö
PublisherEcohydrology. DOI: 10.1002/eco.2115

ABSTRACT: Transpiration at the stand level is often estimated from water use measurements on a limited number of plants and then scaled up by predicting the remaining plants of a stand by plant...

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