

Showing publications 1 to 10 out of 14 found.

1: Effects of fertilizer on growth and biomass allocation of three evergreen tree species from seasonally dry tropical forests

Publication date05 Apr 2023
Author(s)Shannon, D.P., P. Tiansawat, S. Dasoon, S. Elliott & W. Pheera
PublisherTrends in Sciences

ABSTRACT: Tree planting is widely accepted as a strategy to mitigate climate change, with a strong focus on use of native tree species. Various kinds of fertilizer have been recommended, to...

2: Testing a new type of fertilizer to improve nursery production of framework tree species for forest ecosystem restoration in northern Thailand

Publication date2019
Author(s)Waiboonya, P. & S. Elliott
Publisher CMU J. Nat. Sci. 18(4):411-426

ABSTRACT: To improve planting-stock production of native forest tree species for tropical forest ecosystem restoration projects in northern Thailand, we compared a new controlled-release...

3: Seed and microsite limitations of large-seeded, zoochorous trees in tropical forest restoration plantations in northern Thailand

Publication date2018
Author(s)Sangsupan, H., D. Hibbs, B. Withrow-Robinson & S. Elliott
PublisherElsevier: Forest Ecology and Management 419-420:91-100

ABSTRACT: On deforested or degraded land, planting mixtures of native forest tree species facilitates establishment of incoming tree seedling species (i.e. "species recruitment") by rapidly...

4: The use of Asian Ficus species for restoring tropical forest ecosystems.

Publication date2013
Author(s)Kuaraksa, C. and S. Elliott
PublisherRestoration Ecology

ABSTRACT: Fig (Ficus spp.) trees have been promoted as framework species for tropical forest restoration throughout Asia, because they are considered to be keystone species. This article presents...

5: Producing framework tree species for restoring forest ecosystems in northern Thailand

Publication date2008
Author(s) Elliott, S. & C. Kuaraksa
PublisherSmall Scale Forestry: 7, 403-415.

ABSTRACT: Since 1994, the Forest Restoration Research Unit of Chiang Mai University’s Biology Department (FORRU-CMU) has been developing methods to restore forest ecosystems to deforested sites...

6: Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation and fertilizer on production of Castanopsis acuminatissima saplings for forest restoration in northern Thailand

Publication date2008
Author(s)Nandakwang, P., S. Elliott, B. Dell, S. Youpensuk & S. Lumyong
PublisherResearch Journal of Microbiology, Academic Journals Inc.

ABSTRACT: Castanopsis acuminatissima is a native tree species, used to restore evergreen forest ecosystems in northern Thailand. To accelerate tree seedling growth, experiments were performed to...

7: Arbuscular mycorrhizal status of indigenous tree species used to restore seasonally dry tropical forest in northern Thailand

Publication date2008
Author(s)Nandakwang, P., S. Elliott, S. Youpensuk, B. Dell, N. Teaumroon & S. Lumyong
PublisherRsch. J. Microbiol., 3 (2): 51-61.

ABSTRACT - Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) status of native plants in the tropical forest of northern Thailand was surveyed. Twenty-four framework tree species, used to forest restoration were...

8: Selection of Prunus cerasoides D. Don seed trees for forest restoration

Publication date2004
Author(s)Pakkad, G., S. Elliott & D. Blakesley
PublisherNew Forests, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands

ABSTRACT: Prunus cerasoides D. Don has been identified as a ‘framework species’ for restoring evergreen forest in seasonally dry climates. The aim of this study was to develop criteria to select...

9: Selecting seed trees for a forest restoration program: a case study using Spondias axillaris Roxb. (Anacardiaceae)

Publication date03 Feb 2003
Author(s)Pakkad, G., F. Torre, S. Elliott & D. Blakesley.
PublisherForest Ecology & Management 182: 363-370

Spondias axillaris Roxb. (Anacardiaceae) (synonym: Choerospondias axillaris (Roxb.) Burtt and Hill) is an exceptionally effective framework tree species for restoring seasonal tropical forest...

10: Propagating framework tree species to restore seasonally dry tropical forest: implications of seasonal seed dispersal and dormancy

Publication date2002
Author(s)Blakesley, D., S. Elliott, C. Kuarak, P. Navakitbumrung, S. Zangkum & V. Anusarnsunthorn.
PublisherElsevier: Forest Ecology & Management 164:31-38.

ABSTRACT: An effective approach to forest restoration in degraded tropical forestland is the so-called ‘framework species method’, which involves planting 20–30 indigenous forest tree species, to...

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