

Showing publications 1 to 3 out of 3 found.

1: Vegetative propagation of rare tree species for forest restoration

Publication date2011
Author(s)Ratnamhin, A., S. Elliott & P. Wangpakapattanawong
PublisherChiang Mai Journal of Science

When a tree species is rare and fruits infrequently, vegetative propagation may be the only way to build up planting stock for restoration projects. Anantika, one of our Environmental Science...

2: Producing Framework Tree Species for Restoring Forest Ecosystems in Northern Thailand

Publication date2008
Author(s)Elliott, S. & C. Kuaraksa
PublisherSmall Scale Forestry, 7:403-415. Springer

Abstract: Since 1994, the Forest Restoration Research Unit of Chiang Mai University’s Biology Department (FORRU-CMU) has been developing methods to restore forest ecosystems to deforested sites...

3: Forest Restoration Research in Northern Thailand, 1. The Fruits, Seeds and Seedlings of Hovenia dulcis Thunb. (Rhamnaceae)

Publication date1996
Author(s)Kopachon, S., K. Suriya, K. Hardwick, G. Pakaad, J.F. Maxwell, V. Anusarnsunthorn, D. Blakesley, N.C. Garwood & S. Elliott
PublisherNatural History Bulletin of The Siam Society. 44(1): 41-52. The Siam Society.

Hovenia dulcis Thunb. (Rhamnaceae) is a rare native tree species recently added to Thailand's flora, found in stream valleys in primary lower montane evergreen forest 1,075- 1,250 m above sea...

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