

Showing publications 1 to 9 out of 9 found.

1: Understanding forest landscape restoration: reinforcing scientific foundations for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

Publication date14 Nov 2022
Editors(s)Marshall AR, Banin LF, Pfeifer M, Waite CE, Rakotonarivo S, Chomba S, Chazdon RL.
PublisherThe Royal Society Publishing

Under the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, 2021-2030, there has been no more critical or opportune time to restore forests, which are critical for the world’s species, people and...

2: The framework species method—harnessing natural regeneration to restore tropical forest ecosystems

Publication date14 Nov 2022
Author(s)Elliott, S., N.I.J. Tucker, D. Shannon & P. Tiansawat
PublisherPreprint (submitted to Phil. Trans. B.)

Abstract: The framework species method (FSM) restores forest ecosystems by densely planting open sites, close to natural forest, with a group of woody species, characteristic of the reference...

3: Diversity for Restoration (D4R): Guiding the selection of tree species and seed sources for climate-resilient restoration of tropical forest landscapes

Publication date19 Oct 2021
Author(s)Fremout, T., Thomas, E., Taedoumg, H., Briers, S., Gutiérrez-Miranda, C.E., Alcázar-Caicedo, C., Lindau, A.; Kpoumie, H.M., Vinceti, B., Kettle, C., Ekué, M., Atkinson, R., Jalonen, R. Gaisberger, H., Elliott, S., Brechbühler, E., Ceccarelli, V., Krishnan
PublisherJournal of Applied Ecology

ABSTRACT: 1. At the start of the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration (2021–2030), the restoration of degraded ecosystems is more than ever a global priority. Tree planting will make up a large...

4: Ten guidelines for tree planting initiatives to optimise carbon sequestration, biodiversity recovery and livelihood benefits

Publication date2021
Author(s)Di Sacco, A., K. Hardwick, D. Blakesley, P.H.S. Brancalion, E. Breman, L.C. Rebola, S. Chomba, K. Dixon, S. Elliott, G. Ruyonga, K. Shaw, P. Smith, R.J. Smith & A. Antonelli
PublisherWiley: Glob. Change Biol. 27:1328-1348

ABSTRACT: Urgent solutions to global climate change are needed. Ambitious tree‐planting initiatives, many already underway, aim to sequester enormous quantities of carbon to partly compensate for...

5: The science and sociology of restoring Asia’s tropical forest ecosystems

Publication dateDec 2019
Author(s)Elliott, S.
PublisherEnv. Asia Special Issue 12:1-9. DOI 10.14456/ea.2019.57

ABSTRACT: Thirty years ago, reforestation in the tropics meant planting monocultures of economic trees. Ecosystem restoration was rarely practised, due to lack of effective techniques. Since then,...

6: When does seed limitation matter for scaling up reforestation from patches to landscapes?

Publication date2016
Author(s)Caughlin, T., S. Elliott & J. W. Lichstein
PublisherEcological Applications 26(8): 2437-2448. DOI: 10.1002/eap.1410 

There's a neat little app that goes with this paper. Check it out - ABSTRACT: Restoring forest to hundreds of millions of hectares...

7: The role of botanic gardens in the science and practice of ecological restoration

Publication date2011
Author(s)Hardwick K. A., P. Fiedler, L. C Lee, B. Pavlik, R. J Hobbs, J. Aronson, M. Bidartondo, E. Black, D. Coates, M. I Daws, K. Dixon, S. Elliott, et. al.
PublisherWiley, Conservation Biology 25(2):265-275

ABSTRACT: Many of the skills and resources, associated with botanic gardens and arboreta, including plant taxonomy, horticulture and seed bank management, are fundamental to ecological restoration...

8: Research needs for restoring tropical forests in Southeast Asia for wildlife conservation: framework species selection and seed propagation

Publication dateNov 2002
Author(s)David Blakesley, Kate Hardwick & Stephen Elliott
PublisherNew Forests 24 (3): 165-174

ABSTRACT: Some governments in Southeast Asia, such as those of Thailand and Vietnam, have clear policies to restore large areas of degraded land to native forest. However, knowledge needed for the...

9: Research needs for restoring the forests of Thailand

Publication date1995
Author(s) Elliott, S., V. Anusarnsunthorn, N. Garwood & D. Blakesley
PublisherNat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc. 43(2): 179-184. The Siam Society.

We wrote this paper shortly after FORRU-CMU's foundation in 1994, with our UK partners, to raise the profile of the then novel concept of forest ecosystem restoration and to lay out the unit's...

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